Juicy Couture Charm Bracelet.... 1.49 (EBAY is listing at $50.00)
Brighton Bangle........ 1.49 (original price 25.00)
Brighton Votive Candle...... .99 ($24.00 in store)
Kate Spade Sunglasses... .99 (original price...about 150.00)
Michael W Smith NEW CD...... .99 (original price... 10.00)
Calphanon NEW non-stick omelet pan.... 9.99 (originally $50?)
Super Cute Large Basket... 1.99
Cuisinart Ice-Cream Maker......... about 1.99 (I had a $20 off coupon) It was NEW and in the box.
(original price.. 79.00 at Williams Sonoma)
Scentsy Christmas plug-in thing... 7.99 (EBAY lists it at $29.00)
Santa Claus stand-up 3.99 (Kirklands @ $19.00)
Reebok's 12.99 ......... more that $50.
Cute CZ bangle bracelet......... .75
Cute gold & blue long necklace........ 1.50
Total Spent........ Less than $50.00
Total Saved....... I could have spent about $400 on all this stuff. I wouldn't have.
Now, about that Ice-Cream Maker....... After using it several times this month, I believe that
I would consider paying the full retail price. It came with 2 freezer tubs......totally needed. I just keep them in the freezer. That way they are ready to go when the urge to make ice-cream hits. BTW.......it hits my dear husband weekly. This is a fun kitchen toy. And it isn't loud like the predecessors are. NO CRANKING NEEDED!
I was bragging to JG this morning about my new gig. She was immediately envious of the low stress filled environment and of the sweet things I can find. We were talking what I have been making with my toy. Apparently her dear husband, KG, loves cookies & cream ice cream..... He needs this.
Vanilla-Bean Ice-Cream
2 cups sugar
3 cups half & half
1 vanilla bean scraped (I have also used plain vanilla.)
1/8 tsp cinnamon
Heat the first 4 together. Stir a lot. Have 8 (mixed up) egg yolks handy & at room temp.
Slowly temper a ladle or two of milk stuff into the yolks. Slowly add them to the milk stuff.
Continue heating until it is thickened. I use a wooden spoon. It seems to show the thickening better.
It has been taking about 6-8 minutes. STIR CONSTANTLY!
Throw out the vanilla bean at this point & pour all that goodness through a fine wire mesh sieve.
Add 3 cups heavy whipping cream and stir gently. Cool down for a few hours in the refrigerator.
(I thought the sieving was a little weird at first.... just do it. TRUST ME)
After I ran it through the machine I crushed up a sleeve of Oreos and stirred it together before refreezing. Wait a couple of hours before eating. It needs to mesh together in the freezer. Eat a spoonful..... just for tasting and research. Hide it from the kids. Hide it from your husband. Good luck JG!
My dear husband also likes it with 3 mushed up bananas stirred into it before refreezing.
*** A friend of mine, MB, found these super cute quart-sized ice-cream containers at Marshalls & TJ MAXX. They were 5.99 and made of a really good hard plastic with silicone lid. ADORABLE! They were seriously needed and if you are going to make fabulous gourmet ice-cream...... Shouldn't it be served in a fabulous container? ABSOLUTELY!
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