103 Excuses for All Occasions Just in case you are looking for one, here's a handy-dandy little list of excuses for future reference. You should be able to find something here to suit almost every occasion that requires an excuse for a goof, mistake, oversight, or need to say no to something you should not or do not want to do.
- I didn't mean it.
- I didn't do it.
- Wasn't me.
- Someone else did it.
- The little man did it.
- The dog ate it.
- The cat carried it away.
- Don't know what you're talking about.
- Huh?
- You've confused me with my evil twin.
- I was in Alaska.
- I don't drive that kind of car.
- I joined the Rotary Club and was too busy rotating things to have done that.
- You must be talking about the new girl.
- I never park my car there so it couldn't have been me.
- Grey's Anatomy is on.
- My cellphone was dead.
- The Internet was (is) down.
- I had to (have to) reboot my computer.
- I didn't get enough sleep.
- My car is out of gas.
- My husband took my keys with him.
- A water pipe broke in our backyard.
- All of my exercise clothes are in the washer.
- My shoelace broke.
- I need a new battery.
- I have a virus.
- My computer has a virus.
- I'm too old.
- I'm too young.
- I'm afraid I'll make a mistake.
- So-and-so will get mad at me if I do that, so I better not.
- The football game is on.
- I had (have) a flat tire.
- They were out of that.
- That's not good for people.
- That's just the way I am.
- I just had surgery.
- I don't know how to do it.
- It snowed last night.
- I have to wash my hair.
- I don't have time.
- Project Runway is on.
- The can opener broke.
- I need to take time off of work to do that, and I can't take time off.
- I fell asleep.
- I was busy talking to [name] and couldn't be interrupted.
- I was at the hair dresser's.
- My hem ripped.
- I don't know where to begin.
- I need to go shopping.
- I need to clean out my refrigerator.
- I need to clean my kitchen.
- I don't have any healthy recipes.
- My family doesn't like healthy food.
- I don't have time to cook.
- I don't have the right ingredients.
- Other things are more important.
- It's time for bed.
- My brain is tired.
- I'll start tomorrow.
- I'll do that when I get rich.
- It's a waste of money.
- I can't do it.
- The Boogie Man will get me.
- They stole my chance. I only get one chance per life and that was it.
- It's easier if I don't try it.
- I'm comfortable right now.
- It takes too long to learn.
- I'm too old to learn new things.
- I don't have time to learn new things.
- It's the other person's fault. Talk to them.
- My alarm didn't go off.
- I woke up late, and there wasn't time.
- I forgot the time.
- I had a crisis I had to take care of.
- I lost my keys.
- I had a flat tire.
- I wrote down the date wrong.
- I thought I had more money in my account.
- I misplaced my phone.
- I went to the wrong address.
- I hit the wrong button.
- I ran out of paper.
- I ran out of printer ink.
- My hard drive failed.
- I just never got around to it.
- I meant to do it.
- It was on my list of things to do.
- I lost my list.
- Was that today? I thought it was tomorrow.
- Someone called me and made me lose track of time.
- I didn't think it would take so long to get here.
- Someday I'll do it.
- I just didn't think about it too much.
- I tried once.
- People like me can't do amazing things like that.
- I don't have enough talent.
- I'm too lazy.
- I don't want to.
- Please make my excuses for me.
- Facebook...I needed to update my status.
- Pinterest...

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